Technical Electives
For mechanical engineering students, technical electives provide the opportunity to customize some MNE course curriculum selections to areas of personal interest. These electives give students flexibility to choose areas with a specialized focus, even with options to apply shared courses for pursuing minors or concurrent degree pathways. The MNE Technical Electives Options list provides some options (this is not an all-inclusive listing).
When selecting technical elective courses, students must confirm they meet the elective requirements for their curriculum:
ME and NE Topics Courses
ME 699 and NE 620 topics courses are new courses that allow instructors to give a course a test run to determine student interest before it comes a planned regular course. These courses meet technical elective requirements. Refer to the following for a list of MNE topics course offerings.
Fall 2024: ME 699 and NE 620 - Topics Course Descriptions
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