
Before changing the courses that you are enrolled in at any point during a semester, consult with your academic advisor beforehand. This conversation is highly recommended to ensure you are making informed decisions.

(Note that switching time sections within the same course does not need prior communication with an academic advisor.)



Prepare for your Enrollment Advising Appointment

Wait for an email from your academic advisor with instructions on how to sign up for an enrollment advising appointment.

It is important to come prepared to your enrollment advising appointment so that it can be as productive and efficient as possible for you.

Before students meet with their advisor, they must build a tentative course schedule for the upcoming semester by completing an Enrollment Worksheet. Students who do not arrive on time or come unprepared will be asked to reschedule and come back with the required documentation at a later time.


If a student is unable to make their scheduled appointment, it is their responsibility to contact their academic advisor or reschedule via Navigate.

Note that waitlisted courses do not count towards total enrollment. If you need to be enrolled full-time for any reason, you should contact your advisor to discuss enrollment in an alternative back-up course.

KSIS Help for Students