K-State 8 Curriculum (Prior to Fall 2024)

Students who enrolled for the first time at K-State prior to Fall 2024, entered in on the K-State 8 Curriculum. For this curriculum, each student must successfully complete credit-bearing courses to cover each of the K-State 8 areas.

Flowcharts (Degree Maps) for the K-State 8 Curriculum

Flowcharts (degree maps) provide a chart representation of the MNE course curriculum requirements. These flowcharts include the various pathways available to MNE majors.

The Nuclear Engineering Option is shown on each flowchart.

B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

Accelerated B.S./M.S. in Mechanical Engineering

Accelerated B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and M.S. in Nuclear Engineering

Flowcharts are used for informational purposes only. DARS reports are the official check for completion status of degree requirements. DARS reports can be found in the student center in KSIS.

Students can find their current curriculum on their DARS, shown as the Catalog Year in the top right corner of the report. (Students on the K-State 8 may voluntarily to move to the K-State Core curriculum, but cannot move back.)


Humanities and Social Science (H&SS) Electives

Students take H&SS electives as part of the MNE K-State 8 curriculum. These electives must be courses selected from the College of Engineering's approved H&SS Course List.

Each student must also successfully complete courses that to cover all of the K-State 8 areas. The College of Engineering's K-State 8 Matrix, is helpful for selecting H&SS courses that meet the required K-State 8 areas.